Monday, March 15, 2010

Where did this hair come from...

Just found hair all over the family room floor!  When I was inspecting everyone's hair to find out who's it was. (pretty much ruled out Julia, Benjamin, and Zachary.  Not blond and way too long for the boys.) Found out it was Aubrey's.  Asked her why she cut her hair.
"But Mom I didn't do it Benjamin did."
"Why did you let him? "
"I don't know... he's bigger than me?"
"So was he sitting on you?"
"Was he holding you down?"
Not sure that was the best defense.


Kari Clark said...

That was funny! So, was it just a little hair, or are you going to be making an emergency trip to the salon?

Diana said...

Big brothers are handy for these kinds of occasions. Too bad for Aubrey that you're a little too wise. :)

Annie and Justin said...


Amy F said...

haha...that is hilarious!! I hope it wasn't too bad of a chop job!