The other night we were out very late grocery shopping with all the kids. When all of the sudden Julia starts screaming hysterically!
"What happened?" I asked her.
She mumbles something that ended in BIT. (You other parents know the kind of talk where you only get one word of the whole sentence.)
I said Benjamin BIT you? (He was the one closest)
She quickly replied, "NO, I BIT Julia!"
"You bit yourself?"
Our little mother Aubrey jumped right in. "It's okay, Julia. I bit myself and it got better."
Julia, "It's not getting better"
Aubrey, "It will. You might have to wait until tomorrow."
By this time I was laughing so hard.
And maybe this is only the kind of story that is funny after a long day with the kids and then you decide to take them all grocery shopping because you have spent valuable time clipping coupons and it is the last day of the sale and THEN you have some kind of brake down and think they were so good let's go to "Old McDonalds".
Sorry there were no pictures. She did not want to "recreate" the incident. I don't blame her.
That's hilarious!
That is funny! I especially love when the older ones are giving the younger ones words of wisdom from all their years of experience. Too cute. I still want to see cruise pics by the way. ;)
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