Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How do they crack your belly open to get the baby out?

This was the question that Aubrey asked me when we were cleaning dinner up last night.  I told her in a brief description how babies come out. And that is how Benjamin came.  Then I told her how sometimes mommies have to have a little cut for the baby to come out.  And that is how Claire and her were born. She of course wanted to see my cut.  So I showed her.  Now she claims that she is only going to have one baby.  I guess that the cutting thing did not appeal to her.  Well guess what it didn't me either!

PS  Just to confirm any questions.  No we are not having another baby.  I do not know where she came up with this subject!  But it was not from us.


Hannah said...

LOL!! Oh that was great...cracking an egg! Emily asks me all the time about babies and how they come. She has come to me a couple of times very seriously and told me that she really wants to be a mom but she doesn't want a baby to come out of her bottom OR have her belly cut. Sometimes I have to calm her down and assure her that it will all be alright and when she's older it won't seem so scary. SOOOO with my luck 20 years down the road she'll be expecting her first and and telling me I was wrong and it IS just as scary as she thought! LOL oh well!

S. Fantasia said...

hAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dean JUST asked me the same thing yesterday. I told him that I'm not sure because a doctor has to do it and I'm not a doctor. :o)